sos Chapin se competitivo/U R Chapin be competitive

sos Chapin se competitivo/U R Chapin be competitive
naciste con una marca mundial/born with a global brand

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Hoy es un buen dia para tantas cosas, para en tu regazo arrullar a un nino, para dar ternura.
Dios te dio inteligencia, te dio fe, esperanzas y te dio los dones que te hacen ser mujer. Por eso es que ahora igual que ayer, igual que manana, a los cuatro vientos proclamo tu ser.
Hoy es un buen dia para tantas cosas, hoy es un buen dia para ser MUJER


Buenos dias mucha, hoy es el dia de mostrar quienes somos y de que somos capaces asi que pilas pues.

lets we all make JOSEPH KONY famous

KONY 2012 is a film and campaign by Invisible Children that aims to make Joseph Kony famous, not to celebrate him, but to raise support for his arrest and set a precedent for international justice.

Friday, January 21, 2011

OMG, this made me SICK...ROTTEN low life pieces of SCUM~NO words can describe these monsters! SOMEONE SHOULD STRING THEM eye for an eye in this circumstance anyways..What do U think??????? The story is this: These two worms, id...iots, monsters in the picture, grab the helpless animals and simply kill them. They hang and stab the helpless animals. Please urgently circulate it on the Internet. Hopefully this message will get on the computer of someone who can identify them, recognizes their neighborhood or knows their school. Once they are identified please inform the Police or Animal Rights. If anyone thinks it's a waste of time to meet that request, wait until one of these crosses the path of their children or family.PLEASE send it to ALL yr friends...Thanx, thats if u have a heart!See More